Successful integration of individuals with disabilities
Academia Euregio educates staff members (institutional or company settings) to become certified job attendants within their organizations and to professionally accompany individuals with special needs.
Company performance and reputations are measured and dependent on more factors than just the balance sheet. Thus companies understand that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Agendas play an increasingly important role in the identity and reputation of their business. CSR teams are constantly looking for ways to implement smart and engaging policies in the workplace, aiming to improve society in some way, often with local and community specific goals in mind.
Today, a growing number of companies recognize that a truly sustainable CSR agenda incorporates social dimensions such as social inclusion, equal opportunities and anti-discrimination. They recognize disability issues as a fundamental part of a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth strategy.
Disabled or disadvantaged individuals represent a significant portion of our societies and are often overlooked yet important sources of talent, creativity and innovation. In order to harness the potential of these individuals, it is crucial to have a job attendant / coach on staff, who can accommodate special needs and work closely with individuals ensuring that they are successful in their respective environments.
More information to job attendant
The job attendant works with people with difficult access to the world of work, in particular as a result of physical disability or sensory disorder, mental disability, addiction, illness and accident, psychological impairment, economic unemployment, execution of penalties and measures, migration.
Activity of the job attendant:
The job attendant‘s task is to help the target groups, according to their possibilities, to achieve the best possible chances in relation to:
- self-determining lifestyle
- recovering an autonomous social role
- integration into the first or second labour market or into a productive inactivity
Business environment of the job attendant:
- Institutional in target group-specific rehabilitation and integration facilities or
- as individual coaches in the first job market; accompaniment of employees with disabilities in the workplace; professional own cooperation.
Time frame and costs:
- The detailed programme will be developed after further discussions, needs analysis and evaluation.